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The past few weeks have been busy for Cleveland County Habitat for Humanity!

On Tuesday, November the 9th, the chill in the air was softened by warm company, homemade cookies, and hot coffee. We had the ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new Habitat home in Noble! Ribbon-cutting ceremonies are a community event that commemorates the point at which the new homeowner receives the keys and is able to move in to their new home.

We had a number of speakers at the event who contributed to the planning and financing of the home, and local and state elected officials were present. The Methodist Men of McFarlin United Methodist Church were also in attendance. As a group, the Methodist Men and their friends and families recorded over 2700 hours of work on the home.

Samantha, the new homeowner, is excited to move in to her new house, and expressed a desire to begin decorating. to help her transition to her new home go more smoothly, local companies made thoughtful donations to her household. We will be thanking those contributors in a separate post.

Samantha, our new homeowner, and her daughter.

Thank you for everything you contributed to make this happen.

If you have questions about Cleveland County Habitat for Humanity, or you would like to get involved, please email [email protected] or call 405-476-3943

habitat for humanity rose rock
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