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Reflecting on Our Achievements in 2023: A Message of Gratitude from Rose Rock Habitat for Humanity

As we bid farewell to 2023 and embrace the dawn of a new year, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and pride as I look back on the remarkable journey we’ve shared together. The past year has been filled with significant achievements, made possible by the unwavering support and dedication of our community.

Together, we’ve worked tirelessly to build a better community, bringing about tangible and lasting change in the lives of many. From providing safe and secure homes to offering essential emergency repairs, we’ve touched countless families and individuals with our initiatives.

Here’s a glimpse of what we accomplished together in 2023:

Two Home Builds: We completed two home builds, offering sanctuary and stability to families in need.

169 Emergency Home Repairs: Vital repairs were made, positively impacting the lives of 541 people, ensuring they have a safe and comfortable place to call home.

Three Community Revitalization Projects: Through community revitalization projects, we transformed neighborhoods and enriched the lives of 12 households and 40 individuals.

Eleven Ramps Constructed: We enhanced accessibility for 35 individuals, ensuring everyone has equal opportunities to thrive.

68 Family Support and Referrals: Families received essential support and were connected with local partners to address their specific needs.

Four Homeownership Workshops: Empowering 37 households and 111 individuals on the path to homeownership, providing them with the tools and knowledge they need to build a brighter future.

4,395 Received Financial Education: Through in-person classes and online resources, we reached 4,395 individuals, equipping them with valuable financial skills and knowledge.

These accomplishments are a testament to the strength and compassion of our community. Each endeavor, no matter how big or small, has made a profound impact, not only transforming physical spaces but also touching the hearts and lives of those we serve.

As we embark on a new year, let us carry forward the spirit of compassion, collaboration, and dedication that defines our community. Your continued support fuels our passion and drives us to create a world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Thank you for being an integral part of Rose Rock Habitat for Humanity’s journey. Here’s to another year of making a difference, one home and one heart at a time. Wishing you a joyous and fulfilling New Year!

habitat for humanity rose rock
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